Customer Service Excellence

Customer Service Excellence is a comprehensive course designed to equip individuals with the skills and knowledge necessary to provide exceptional customer service. It covers essential topics such as effective communication, problem-solving, conflict resolution, and customer engagement strategies. Participants will learn to anticipate customer needs, handle difficult situations professionally, and create positive experiences that foster customer loyalty.
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WHO is this for?

This course is ideal for customer service representatives, team leaders, managers, business owners, and anyone seeking to enter the customer service field.
It is tailored for professionals who interact directly with customers, those responsible for overseeing customer service teams, entrepreneurs who want to ensure their business delivers top-notch service, and individuals looking to start a career in customer service.

WHY this course?

In today’s competitive market, exceptional customer service can set a business apart.
This course aims to enhance customer satisfaction, improve problem-solving skills, boost employee morale, increase customer loyalty, and provide career advancement opportunities.
Well-trained staff are more confident and capable, leading to a more motivated and engaged workforce.
Happy customers are more likely to return and recommend your business to others.

WHAT can I expect from this course?

By enrolling in the Customer Service Excellence course, you can expect to gain valuable
insights from experienced professionals in the customer service industry.
The course provides practical tools and techniques that can be immediately applied in your workplace, enhancing your ability to handle customer interactions effectively.

Join us in the Customer Service Excellence course and take the first step towards becoming a customer service superstar!

What's included?




Best Practice Guide


Meet the instructor

Ricardo Molina

Ricardo is an accomplished entrepreneur and executive coach, with over 25 years of international industry and leadership experience in operations, manufacturing, and commercial environments within large corporations and small companies. He holds Mechanical Engineering and MBA degrees in the USA and received various leadership recognition awards from GE Healthcare and Johnson and Johnson corporations. He is recognized for his customer-centric leadership style and well-respected within business circles.

His credentials boast a credible track record in developing various businesses, enhancing operational efficiency, and fostering successful diverse organizations. Ricardo's diverse industry experiences, coupled with his core values of integrity, service excellence, and care for people, enable him to authentically share his knowledge and bring transformational change in people’s businesses and lives.

At the heart of Ricardo’s leadership approach is his role as an executive & leadership coach, guided by “The Law of Addition,” which emphasizes that "Leaders add value by serving others!" centered in empowerment and mentorship, Ricardo is passionate about cultivating a new generation of servant leaders, entrepreneurs, and high-potential individuals.

"I look forward to serving you!" - Ricardo Molina
Patrick Jones - Course author


Help! I lost my password or log-in information.

  1. You can reset your password by clicking on 'Forgot your password' found on the Login form.
  2. A new form will pop up, where you will have to add your email, in order to receive the reset password link
  3. In the received email there will be a link to the reset password form. After clicking on the link you will be redirected to the new password form and after adding the new password, you will be automatically logged in to the school.

  • You can also change your password through your Profile page, by clicking on Edit → Change password.

How long do I have access to the course?

You’ll have access to this course for the next 12 months, so that you can move at your own pace. Don't hesitate to take snack breaks!
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